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Just some random snippets. Since I just created this funny little website, to have one and to keep myself updated on coding. Most stuff can not be shown in public domain due to non-disclosure agreements. And copyrights may be owned by the respective companies or clients.


A picture of Falk wearing a black hat

Some info

I'm Falk. A design professional based in Hamburg, Germany. Interested in all kinds of art, design, technology, sports & music.

I'm focused on user experience design of all kinds of software services, SaaS platforms, eCommerce products and mobile apps. 15+ years experience working with high profile clients such as Unilever, Beiersdorf, Olympus, E.ON, HP Hewlett Packard, STADA, AstraZeneca or TUIfly.


UX design

Analyze, concept ( research, personas, user flows, wireframes ), UI ( prototyping, material design ), testing, visual design, testing.

It's not about the tools. But I like working with AXURE RP ( the best ), Sketch, Figma, Invision, Overflow, FlowMap, Adobe CC, Affinity and Pulsar.


Like most designers I had to learn coding. Starting out with Actionscript, 2004ish when Flash was still hot.

And as a designer, these days, you should be able to dive into a frontend with some HTML and CSS skills and at least some basic understanding of JavaScript.

Especially when working with developers, building UI's and designing user experiences for web and mobile apps. Even though coding might not be a part of an average workday, I always keep myself updated on frontend techniques.

But I will never be a developer, because I'm a designer.


I got a Canon EOS M5 from my brother-in-law. So currently I like to go out and take some random pictures. Just for the fun of it, since I'm a designer and not a photographer.


Sports were always a big part of my life. So I love to get out, ideally running about 15 - 40KM a week. I do some basic workout stuff and if I do have the time, I'll be out, playing basketball with some friends.

Oh, and it was as early as my first season with Husum Cricket Club, I won the danish cricket trophy in Copenhagen and became Dansk Cricket Mester in 1991.


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email falk@falkvb.de
Erlenkamp 20
22087 Hamburg